Be concerned rather with the faithless shepherds of the flocks of my people. For an illusion of glory and success they sell the sheep of my pasture into the hand of the deceiver. False and deluded, they do not know my voice, for they do not reverence my Word. Puffed up with selfish ambition and vain glory, they lead my people into false ways. Thinking that they see in their blindness, they lead those who trust them into a ditch. They are as the Pharisees of old who love the places of honour and the applause of men, and they gain it at the expense of leading gullible men and women into ways which have an appearance of light but are in truth are a highway into deepest darkness.
Beware of such men. False shepherds and blind guides, my flock. Surely I will require an accounting at their hands for the blood of those who are being misled into the ways of death. For it is they who encourage the false prophets, and import the doctrines of demons into the midst of my sheepfold. My anger burns hotly against them and surely if they do not soon repent I will give them up to the hardness of their heart and there will be no returning for them when that point has been reached.
Do not trust the compromisers who seek to draw together and reconcile that which cannot be reconciled; who seek to find a middle way. Surely between light and darkness there is no middle way, but only an abyss of confusion and bewilderment.
This wave of deception will recede and with it those who now falsely prophesy. But the false shepherds amongst my people will remain as a danger, ready to grasp hold of the next wave when it comes, for surely it will do so. Each wave will be deadlier than the last and will attract more of those whose feet are not firmly grounded on the rock of my Word. Through the deception my hand will be at work. I will refine and separate those who will not bow the knee to Baal from those who do not love the truth. I will have a refined remnant who will be my true voice in this nation and through their testimony I will bring in a harvest from the lost world but only those who hold to the truth and walk in my Spirit will be used in that purpose.
I will judge the faithless shepherds who seek their own ambitions and the adulation of men. They will go their own way to destruction, but I will appoint other shepherds for my people; men whom I am even now preparing in hidden places, walking unseen paths. They will be of humble and contrite spirit, repentant of heart and walking in awe of their God and in deep reverence of his Word.
Surely in the last days I will keep a people for myself who are true to me and will shine like the stars of heaven in the increasing darkness and turn many to the way of righteousness and salvation.
Contend for the faith steadfastly. Do not strive with those who will not hear, but declare my truth patiently and perseveringly. Expose the strategies of the adversary. Blow the trumpet of warning, that those who have ears may hear, but leave the results to me. Pray that the deaf may hear. Pray that the blind shepherds may yet see. But remember that it is only my Spirit which convicts of sin and guilt and of judgement to come. The task of the watchman is to warn. If you will fulfill that task you will have served your master well." That was what I had to sit and write on the 13th December of 1994. I believe that the time is now coming; is at hand, when we shall see increasingly the fulfillment of this word; increasingly the judgement on the faithless shepherds. But remember the Lord's emphasis was, its not the false prophets who are the principal danger; they come and go like stars in the night. It is those who want what they've got.
Jeremiah 5:30,31 - The prophets prophesy falsely, the priests rule by their own authority and my people love it this way, but what will you do in the end? It is the shepherds who want these things for their own purposes. The Lord says beware of such men. But the Lord is raising up faithful men, hidden places, hard wood. Those of you who have been in the refiners fire are so hot that you think nothing will be left. These are days of preparation. God is getting us ready. God has got his hand on many people. If he has been calling you, or is calling you to take up what he is asking you to take up and to lead his people in the ways of righteousness, don't be afraid to take it up, don't say who am I? It is not you, but Jesus in you who will do it.
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