The END Of The CHURCH As We Have Known It
Here's what God has been showing me over the past couple of weeks. The church has fallen from grace. I think a better way to put it is that God has removed his grace from the "church" and is beginning to pour it out on those who are truly submitting and humbling themselves before God.
The door of opportunity has closed. The season for fruit has come and gone. The gardener was given one more year to cultivate and attend this tree, however, the tree has been so focused on protecting its own interests that she has not taken note of the caretaker and all that he has done to enable her to produce glorious fruit.
This tree has spent so much energy protecting its position (spotlight) that she has not seen the true light of God's glory leave her. And the little fruit she has produced she has "thinned" (removed) and tossed to the ground in order to preserve the "look" and conformity of the branches; she is more concerned about how she looks than serving the King and changing lives. We are full of pride! The discarded fruit is now being raised up as God's remnant.
Grace has been withdrawn from the organized church and is being given to the meek in spirit. God's light WILL illuminate all things: those who are living by the Spirit and those whose father has come in the guise of an angel of light.
In my spirit I was shown many structural marble pillars. Each pillar was lifting up (holding up) a portion of a great canopy. Each pillar represents a Christian church denomination. The canopy represents all that man has erected to keep God's face from shining on the church. It is demonic, but we have energized it (given it jurisdiction). This demonic canopy quenches God's truths from changing the hearts and minds of his people. It enables each denomination to keep control of what the people do, say, believe, and how they live. We have been practicing witchcraft!
Each pillar has a great beauty to it. Each one is unique, yet all are the same ... cold to the touch. Around each pillar are Christians who are holding hands, singing their merry songs, dancing as they go. The pillar grows in strength as it feeds off the "worship" and cold hearts of the people. The pillar is alive. The pillar is the "monument" I've seen in other pictures Gods given to me. Each one is a specific demonic entity.
Suddenly, I see Samson standing between two pillars. The glory of God has returned to him because his hair has grown back (he has taken on his rightful covering). The hair represents the crown and glory of Christ. He does not need his natural eyesight to see the spiritual truth of what goes on around him. By the strength of God he grabs hold of these two pillars and they come tumbling down. Many "worshipers" have been killed as this "temple" comes caving in upon itself. Samson is not injured. He moves about with great strength and energy, still seeing in the spirit (not in the natural) so as not to be deceived by a spirit of false repentance. As he moves through the rubble he saves those who are injured and crying out for help. He has GREAT compassion and love. God is SOOO merciful!!!
God has shown me that the "temple" has come down just at the right time. Some believers earlier on had an opportunity to "leave" (pursue a different path) and took it; their spirits had become restless, their hunger not being satisfied. Now they are walking in the rubble with "Samson" showing mercy and compassion to those who are seriously injured.
(Eventually reconstruction will begin)
The picture of the pillars coming down is the great shaking that will take place over the "church;" and it will take place. As I continue to see what must happen in order for God to raise up his pure and holy church, I realize that only a great shaking can begin these events. A great shaking is coming upon the church!
God has shown me that many who are in leadership now will suddenly be out of a job. They will fight for "what is theirs," but few people will be convinced of their measly words because the power and anointing of the New Jerusalem will not go unnoticed even by the media.
Many church buildings will become reminders of the past. In the future, our children will not be able to comprehend the manner and behavior of the "worship" we gave ourselves over to, the disunity we had, and the pride that followed our circles. It will be foreign to them.
I believe that God has shown me a "three day" process (change) he's bringing over the church: death, burial, and resurrection. The first of these three days will begin as the shaking begins.
God has also taken me to Mark's account of Jesus coming into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-33). In this account, note these three things:
Jesus visits the temple and takes a look around.
Jesus curses the fig tree.
Jesus clears (cleanses) the temple.
In the order of things, we are now positionally and spiritually at the point were Jesus is about to clear (cleanse) the temple (the shakings).
Important to the imagery too, is the fact that those in authority (Mark 11) began to plot Jesus' death. This is what will be attempted by many leaders in the organized church. They will attempt to "kill" this move and work of God which will rise out of the ruins of the temple. Also note that Jesus' authority was challenged. This too will take place by those who refuse to see the hand of God at work. They will challenge the authority of those God will raise up to lead his true church.
If you are of the remnant, be patient. You have been an irritant in the flesh of the "church," but your time is coming very soon now. Allow God to fill you with his love and compassion. Much of this will be needed in order to move in the Spirit and glory of God.
God has given his people the power to bring life or death through their tongues. God has shown me that the greatest tool the enemy has used within the church is the tongue, for the tongue speaks from that which is in the heart.
As the tongue speaks to what is in our hearts, so our eyes are the gateway to our souls. God has said that the "church" has eyes of superiority. The ideas (words) we have conjured in our minds do carry weight, they do carry power (good or bad), and they are meant to bring life, not death. We have murdered many!
The Lord said, "There is no little sin. What you call a little fox, I call murder. What you see as a small bird, I call witchcraft. And what you call enlightenment, I call superiority." These are the three specific sins that God has held against the "church": witchcraft (rebellion), murder (through a critical spirit), and superiority (vanity- pride).
"The time is at hand. Those who have been raised up in the past to speak my heart, my truths, my vision, and my purpose will now be stopped up. They have lost sight of me and so they will lose their position and status. Yet in my love, they will be given opportunities to humble themselves before me."
"My church will become an apostolic church once more. She will shine with the purity and truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She will move in the power and authority given to her, promised before time itself. Her testimony of Me will be so pure, so bright, so loud, and so forceful that fear will fill the hearts of those who do not walk with me."
"If you believe that fear will accompany the shakings I will bring, you are correct. Yet there will be an even greater fear, a holy fear, when an unbeliever stands in the presence of My people. This is what you will hear, 'And 40,000 were saved in one day.'"
A great shaking is coming. It won't take years and years to see it unfold, but will be upon us as quickly as the power of the Holy Spirit came upon those who were gathered in the upper room out of obedience to Jesus.
Michael Boren
November 10, 2006
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