The Great Attack
He revealed to me how the principalities and ruling spirits of this age cunningly exert their influence to minimize any sense of vigilance and alertness on the part of God's people. These demonic forces that specially attack in the moral sphere as well as in the mind... motivate powerful ambitions and pride.
As they are not counter-attacked, and find little or no resistance in their way, they are able to come in and thwart any real benefit of the work of the Holy Spirit.
The spirit of the age works toward minimizing, denigrating, and attacking everything that exalts Christ. That very spirit is behind the idea that expresses "let's do something more practical," rather than giving priority to prayer, seeking the face of God, and ministering to Him.
Consequently, it becomes the ideal environment or breeding ground for the enemy to develop greater resistance, influence and even control.
Parallel to this great attack of the enemy, the historic hour in which we live also marks a time of great fulfillment within God's eternal purpose and plan.
The Lord brought to me how the changes in our world, such as the events in relation to Israel, and the world wide involvement in the Middle East crisis, as well as the world trend toward globalization, all point to the need to prepare for His corrective judgment on the church, as well as His punitive judgment on the world.
We need to awake from our spiritual slumber to a greater intensity than ever, because the time is short. A complete change will take place soon in the world order as it is known today and the control of the evil one will become more and more apparent.
For this reason the Lord has prompted a deep urgency and a burden in me that we not despise nor neglect the grace God has extended for our preparation.
The Lord is calling and awakening His own to a state of awareness and readiness. There is a special imbuing and impartation of the Holy Spirit being made available to those who now will yield all and seek Him with a whole heart.
These yielded ones will be ready to resist as well as overcome the influences, powers, and control of the enemy. Already the Holy Spirit is moving in an unprecedented way in the earth, making His own ready for a great counter-attack against the enemy.
November 3, 1998
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